Welcome to the KTZ Forums!
Before you start posting, please read the site rules and stick to them, so we can have a good community for everyone. We don't have that many!
- Please be kind and respectful. We will all have different opinions, but we can talk about them without being rude, so please use respectful language and no swearing.
- This is a Pakistani forum, so all discussion will happen in English and Urdu, we don't mind which language. Feel free to use regional languages too, but please provide a translation in either Urdu or English, it's your choice. We understand lots of Indians are interested in Kids Zone dubs, but this is still a site for Pakistanis first. Please respect that.
- Please do not share personal information! Please protect yourself on the internet, and do not post your full name, address or number anywhere here. We want to protect users and prevent them from harm. Please also protect yourselves.
And that's all!